
What do you want to do?

Scroll to see more options
Media encoding
Custom command
Merge content
Convert to image
Add metadata
Convert music file to video

Conversion options:

You can choose between lots of formats. Click on the switch to select what media type(s) you want in your final file:

Copy from input file
H264 (.mp4)
H265 (.mp4)
VP9 (.webm)
VP8 (.webm)
AV1 (.mp4)
Theora (.ogg)
Windows Media Video (7) (.wmv)
Windows Media Video (8) (.wmv)

Copy from input file
MP3 (.mp3)
AAC [aac] (.m4a)
AAC [libfdk_aac] (.m4a)
Wave (.wav)
Alac (.m4a)
Flac (.flac)
Opus (.ogg)
Vorbis (.ogg)
Windows Media Audio 1 (.wma)
Windows Media Audio 2 (.wma)

Trim content:

If you are re-encoding the media file, you can choose its options. Otherwise, choose the files on the next card

Video output:

Choose bitrate:

Closer to the left: high bitrate

Audio output:

Choose bitrate:

Closer to the left: high bitrate

Audio channels:

File selection:

Choose files:

Choose how multiple files should be managed:


Your media files are locally elaborated, therefore they'll always stay on your device.

This website connects to unpkg & Google Fonts only to fetch essential resources to work, and doesn't share any data with them.

This website is published under the MIT license, and you can find (and, if you want, analyze) the source code on GitHub.

Conversion status:

You'll see here all the logs made by ffmpeg.

Re-download files

Choose from the select below the files to re-download.


You can install ffmpeg-web as a Progressive Web App, or you can get way higher performances by installing the Electron application. You can find the instructions from the Select below.

  1. Download the zip file of the repository: click here
  2. Extract the files, and make sure to have Node.JS 20 and a native version of FFmpeg installed
  3. Run the following command to install the app: npm i && node BuildDist.cjs
  4. And that's done! You can now run the app by writing npm run electron from the command line in that folder